Baked cinnamon apple with crumble

If you’re a lover of apple pie, give this healthier option a try!

1 Apple
10g desired nuts (I use almonds or walnuts)
1 tblspn oats
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp brown sugar
1/2 tspn butter (I use Nuttelex)

1. Set oven to 180 degrees C and core Apple (not all the way through or your crumble will come out the end!)
2. Put nuts, oats, cinnamon and brown sugar in a blender and blend to desired consistency (For thermomix - speed 9 for 2 seconds)
3. Spoon 1/2 the crumble mixture into the apple. Press down into the apple firmly. Spoon in the butter and then place the rest of the crumble mixture on top of this. (The butter helps to caramilise the brown sugar.
4. Put the Apple in the oven to cook for 20-30 mins until softened

I had left over crumble, so am totally using it tomorrow night for dessert! I also add a scoop of Jalna vanilla yoghurt. The addition of the nuts, oats and yoghurt in this recipe means that you have your 3 staples of healthy fats, carbs and protein.

If you’re wanting to make this something a little extra special you could also make a date paste to top it off.