Goal setting and journaling to set your week up for success

It’s Sunday afternoon…you have a full week ahead of you and it’s feeling a little overwhelming already. Here’s 6 tips to feel more organised and less overwhelmed to set yourself up for a week of productivity.

First of all, let’s focus on changing the mindset around your Sunday. Instead of it being a day that can be filled with dread for the upcoming week, make the most of it and include things you enjoy that make you feel good! It’s all about reframing the thoughts and creating routine and actions that refresh and invigorate to help you to feel empowered and productive rather than overwhelmed and procrastinating.

Start the day off right

Create a list of things you can do for yourself and your household, physically and mentally, that is going to help you to feel refreshed. Some examples: putting your favourite playlist on, cleaning the house, mopping the floors, doing the loads of washing, meal planning etc. (see image below for some ideas)

Reframe your thoughts

Instead of ‘I have to do this, this and this…’ swap for an empowering reframe:

‘I choose to do my Sunday reset because…’ and whatever your why is will come to you. It could be different every week! An example could be something like 'I choose to do my Sunday refresh because I will feel less stressed and more organised and productive for this next week.’

Active journaling

Reflect on your week. Ask yourself what went well and what you’re proud of, but also what you want to let go of. Give yourself an opportunity to write out your top priorities for the week, your non-negotiable healthy habits and set a goal for the week. (see image below for some ideas)

Take time for you

It is so easy to think about everyone and everything else. Whether you’re prioritising family members, work, friends, your partner etc. it all goes on your list before you. Stop for a moment and things about what it would look like for you to put yourself at the top of your priority list.

It doesn’t mean you need to say no to everyone else, but it means that you start showing yourself the love and care that you show everyone else.

Choose your non-negotiables

What are you top healthy habits? What is really going to make a different for you this week? Take the time to write out the things that make you feel like you - whether they are small steps or actions that take a little more thought and preparation - these are the things that are going to help you fill your cup.

Set a goal for your week / month

If you could choose one thing - what is going to move the needle for you? What is really going to make a difference?

It’s easy for your brain to focus on the smaller and ‘easy’ actions - things like going the washing, vaccuming, mopping, tidying the house, replying to emails. But think past the small, easy to action tasks. What is actually going to make a difference to your week and how can you take an action towards that in the next 24 hours?

Taking action, moving through procrastination and keeping yourself accountable can feel hard! If you’re feeling overwhelmed and have been thinking about Coaching, now is your chance! Click here to book your complimentary connection call with me!